In this short but deeply powerful book, the bestselling historian of religion Karen Armstrong re-sacralizes nature for modern times. Drawing on her vast knowledge of the world’s religious traditions, she vividly describes nature’s central place in spirituality across the centuries. In bringing this age-old wisdom to life, Armstrong shows modern readers how to rediscover nature’s potency and form a connection to something greater than ourselves.
Tom Cain has been practicing law for 43 years, for 27 of which he taught at John F. Kennedy College of Law, a local SF Bay Area law school. From 2000 – 2017, he was the founder and Program Director for The Congress of Neutrals, a non-profit, recruiting and training mediators for the Superior Court, State of California.
Tom is married to Kazume Cain, who was raised on a farm in Japan. They have two daughters, one who is also a lawyer, and the other who is his law office manager. They have been active in the Berkeley Ward for 28 years, except for three years when he served as a Bishop in Oakland. His current calling is as the Ward Sustainability Chief.